
Hello to the boys and girls in the Réalta Beaga classroom!!!!


I hope you and your family had a nice Easter. I’m sure there were plenty of Easter eggs and chocolate treats to keep you entertained over the last while.

I also hope that you and your loved ones are keeping well during these times and doing your best to stay safe!

I have suggested some activities below for you to try at home, if you can and if you wish. These are to encourage what has been covered in school this year and to help fill your days at home as I know they can seem long. If you are able to complete any work, please keep it in a copy or scrapbook at home and we will look at tasks completed when we get back to school!

Topic: Clothes


Revise various types of clothes – coat, trousers, jumper, t-shirt, pants, socks and shoes.

  • Get your child to find various types of clothing.
  • Encourage your child to get dressed by telling them to put on their socks / t-shirt etc.
  • Allow your child to help you fill and empty the laundry basket and hang clothes on the line.
  • Dress the teddy / doll.

Rhyme – If you’re happy and you know it!

Read stories about clothes – Little Red Riding Hood (this can be found online via Topmarks.co.uk)

Fine Motor Activities

  • Threading with buttons
  • Opening / closing zips and items of clothes
  • Dressing himself / herself
  • Use pegs to hang clothes
  • Use hangers to hang clothes
  • Cutting and sticking (see Twinkl for templates) otherwise cut shapes from paper, pictures from magazines.
  • Play dough – you make make play dough with a simple reciepe from the following link https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/playdough-recipe
  • Colouring activities
  • Practice letter formation / writing name



Counting from 1 – 10. Count objects in the house.

Practice number formation 1 – 5

Shapes: Revise the circle – draw and colour circles. Find circles in the home.

Colours: Revise the colour blue – find the colour blue in the home and colour objects using blue paint / crayons.

Online Maths games available at – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/

  • Shape Monster
  • Teddy Numbers
  • Ladybird spots

Some of the above activities can be done in the prone position where the child lies on his / her tummy and completes a task.


Additional Activities

Sensory breaks before and after table top activities is important for regulation and concentration. Allow your child a walk outside / 5 – 10 minutes on the trampoline / heavy work before and between tasks.

Encourage daily life / personal hygiene skills – washing hands, teeth, toileting routines, cleaning up, simple household chores.

Encourage sensory play with water, bubbles, sand, playdough, paint whether it be outdoors or indoors. Play with blocks / lego is also good for fine motor activities and hand-eye coordination.

Also it is important to use this time to do fun activities together as a family whether it is baking or going for a walk and playing outside especially when the weather is so nice!

I will post more activities here next week for you to do!

Múinteoir Aishling