Well done to all the pupils that participated in the County Monaghan Large School Athletics Competition in the Peace Link. Congratulations to our individual winners: Jay 1st – 100m sprint, Donncha 1st -800m, Danny 4th in 100m sprint, Diarmuid 1st in 600m. Third and fourth class boys came 2nd in the relay along with fifth and sixth class boys who took second place podium place in their relay.
Massive congratulations to the boys’ team who won the overall shield for the first time ever!
A great day was had by all on our school tour to the Sliabh Beagh Adventure Centre.
Well done to the 4th class boys who played in a recent blitz in Cloghan!
Congratulations to the boys who won the double with the Clones U13 Soccer Team! Well done also to Eoin, Jay and Christian who received awards on the Clones Town Awards night.
Well done to the St.Tiarnach’s Cross Country Team who participated in the County Large Schools Cross Country Competition in a sunny Scotstown. The girls performed well and put up a brave battle. Donncha Quigley came first individual runner and the Boys’ Team came second overall. Congratulations to all!
During Seachtain Na Gaeilge all classes participated in cluichí clóis, Irish dancing and tóraíocht taisce.
Great celebrations as St.Tiarnach’s receive the GAA Flag of excellence. Thanks to Múinteoir Diarmuid for his hard work! We were joined by County Player Shane Carey, members of the Clones GAA club and Monaghan Coaching Officers.
Third and fourth class enjoy break time football with the ‘Road to Croker’
Congratulations to Donncha and Diarmuid who were in the medals in the Ulster Cross Country Championships and now progress to the All Ireland in Kilkenny.
Fifth and Sixth enjoy ‘ Road to Croker ‘ and the big final in St.Tiernach’s Park.
Cycle Green get Sixth class road ready!
‘Feel Good Friday’ whole school walk